The Tao of Branding
David Straker
When we look out onto the world, we do not see it as it truly
is. All we see is the internal map we have created. Yet, as Korzybski
pointed out, the map is not the territory, even though we act as if were so.
We get trapped by our maps and by the mental models and beliefs that shape
them. Like the Corinthians, we see the world as through a glass, darkly.
Tao clarity
The Tao provides a lens, or maybe a lens-cloth, to better see what is
there. Tao is neither a religion nor a system of dogma that forces itself
upon you. It offers neither salvation nor answers. More, it is a set of
gentle provocations that inspired the more intense Zen that it predates.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle says (and the Hawthorne experiments
proved) that the act of looking changes that which is being observed. By not
looking, Tao sees what is there. Tai Chi connection
Tai Chi Chuan is more than the strange floating exercises that Chinese do
in the early morning park. It is also the most effective martial art,
capable of killing at a touch and yet so soft it can be performed by an old
man or young woman. It includes moving other people so subtly they do not
realize they have moved. Tai Chi is all about Tao. Brand potential
Some brands have Tao in abundance. A. A. Milne’s enduring Winnie the Pooh
has lent its Tao to Disney. This is not surprising: being a brand the
touches the Tao already, Disney easily recognized Pooh’s potential. Virgin
is another Tao brand, where Richard Branson’s essential power spreads to all
corners of his empire. Companies spend a great deal of time, money and effort in trying to create a
brand with an indefinable quality, yet few succeed. Yet finding Tao is not a
matter of searching: it is more about opening eyes and seeing what is
already there.
Jeffery Pfeffer has complained about the knowing-doing gap, and there is
a gap beyond this: the doing-being gap. We fill our lives with doing and
think we have found success. Stopping the rush into action and just being is
seen as waste, yet Csikszentmihalyi’s experiments in ‘flow’ have shown that
when we lose our sense of self, we paradoxically come back a happier person.
Jung, too, knew the importance of letting go when he said, “Learn all you
can about symbolism, then forget it all when you are analyzing a dream.”
Psychologists have rediscovered what has been known for centuries: the first
step is to let go and just be.
Tao is
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
-- Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tsu
The Tao is. It exists. It can be known, but it cannot be named. If you
grasp at it, like a shadow it is not there and all you feel is the pressure
of your own grasp. And yet it can be sensed. Like Alexander’s ‘Quality
without a Name’, it is always there but can never be adequately described.
Tai Chi centering
When performing, you should be centered, balanced, stable and
-- Treatise of Master Wu Yu-hsiang, in Tai Chi Classics, by Waysun Liao
What is noticeable about a Tai Chi master is the deep stillness that he
or she has. Before you start Tai Chi movements, you stop and still yourself.
In that moment of being, you become centred and whole. Centring creates
the structural integrity from which all effortless power flows. Throughout
all moving, the Tai Chi master remains centred.
Brand presence
Brands that know how to be, have presence. They can stand alone and
still, without clutter. They have an indefinable, yet instantly
recognizable, quality. You know them without having to try.
Presence is naked essence. To find the essence of a brand, peel away words
and images and preconceptions until there is nothing left but the core. Let
it be. Know it, but do not try to name it: to do so would be a pointless
distraction. is a near-naked brand with clear presence. It has a minimal
interface yet a clear and friendly character that does what you need with
the minimum of fuss or intrusion.
Generic brands have no presence, no essence. Their core is cheap and stolen
at best and hence vacant and not.
We have five external senses with which to touch the world, though the
meaning we create is far from these. What we consciously sense is, as Weick
points out, an inner construction, within which we pay limited attention to
what is really there. Sensing for many, like being, is a forgotten skill.
What we think we see, hear and feel are numbed and distorted internal
Tao awareness
A fundamental principle of Tao is sensing what is real, of stripping away
all bias and preconception, of knowing ultimate truth.
Attending fully and becoming supple,
Can you be as a newborn babe?
Washing and cleansing the primal vision,
Can you be without stain?
-- Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tsu
Young children have not yet learned the layers of lies by which we insulate
and protect ourselves from the world. They see the Emperor’s new clothes in
all his vain glory. Each of us still has that child within, though it is too
often bound and gagged for fear of it disturbing our convenient
Tai Chi sensing
What do we mean by ‘energy’ and how we are able to ‘listen’ to it?
This must be carefully examined.
Master Cheng’s Thirteen Chapters on Tai Chi Chuan, by Cheng Man-Ching
When the practitioner of Tai Chi touches another person, they feel far
beyond the texture of skin or clothes. Extending their sense into the heart
of the other person, they feel their structure, their balance, their intent.
They also sense how the other person and themselves are now intimately
connected into a single structure.
Brand sensitivity
A sensitive brand knows its targets. From the first contact through all
interactions, it extends deeply into their environment and touches people so
gently that the brand itself can feel every movement, every intent.
A sensitive brand does not use crude annual metrics to drive aging
strategies. It senses constantly and in real-time so it can respond
realistically and effectively. Like a creeping vine, it extends fingers and
tendrils that touch, taste and test. have built remarkable sensitivity into their brand. They sense
who you are, what you look at, what you buy. Then give it all back to you to
help you find what you did not even know you needed.
Generics sense brand leaders, rather than customers. Their skill is in
knowing what is profitable not what is. They blindly follow coat-tails and
hence are as vulnerable as their chosen leaders are insensitive.
Extending senses and discovering your interconnectivity into the world is
a very illuminating act. Yet it is not enough. A moment’s touch, a burst of
enlightenment, does not provide all of the answers. To harmonize is to
extend sensing from the static into the dynamic.
It means sensing not only where others are, but also where they are going,
and at what speed. It means following their present and future locus. To do
this requires being and becoming with them, as one.
Tao connection
In the Tao, everything is connected and hence part of one thing. Being
sensitive to that connection means being a natural part of the one.
A truly good man is not aware of his goodness,
And is therefore good.
A foolish man tries to be good,
And is therefore not good.
-- Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tsu
Connecting through the Tao is as natural as flowing water. If you think
about the act of harmonizing, then you are not harmonizing. Being and
sensing lead effortlessly to harmony, and in harmony is ultimate truth.
Knowing constancy is constancy.
Knowing constancy is enlightenment.
-- Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tsu
Tai Chi flow
There is a story of a master who was sitting when a sparrow alighted on
his finger, then could not take off again. Whenever the bird tried to push
off, the master’s hand moved down to completely neutralize the force.
Likewise in combat all attacks are sensed and followed so completely that
there is never an impact.
Even the mosquito finds no place to land on you without causing you to
-- Treatise of Master Wong Chung-yua, in Tai Chi Classics,
by Waysun Liao
Brand harmony
A brand which is in harmony with people effortlessly follows and
anticipates their every move. Like a glove, it gently envelopes them,
connecting and becoming one with them. It also knows when the glove slips on
and slides off: brands do not live people’s lives, but they do help them in
their journeys.
Toyota, in Japan at least, gets very close to its customers. They seem to
know when they are thinking of buying a new car. They even know when their
customers’ children will start driving. They genuinely seek to become real
friends of the family.
Generic brands may harmonize with the leaders they follow and hence find the
secondary vibrations of end customers. But sensitive leaders will feel this
attempted snagging and will as easily escape the generics as they follow
their real targets.
Leadership is a perennial topic where its students seek the alchemist’s
stone that will transmute mere mortals into management gods. Yet few have
found the secret.
Jim Collins found, in a study of 1435 top companies, only 11 companies which
had gone from being one of the crowd to sustained growth. Their secret was
always a quiet and humble leader who knew what he or she wanted and then
quietly shaped the greatness of their organization.
A great leader loves his or her followers, unconditionally, who know this,
unquestioningly. When you know you are loved, how can you not trust fully?
Tao invisibility
In Tao, a leader is sage and invisible. With touch so light, sensitivity
so sharply honed, the leader seem to do nothing special, yet somehow they
achieve their goals.
The very highest is barely known by men,
Then comes that which they know and love
Then that which is feared,
Then that which is despised.
He who does not trust enough will not be trusted.
When actions are performed
Without unnecessary speech,
People say “We did it!”
-- Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tsu
Tai Chi spirals
Master Cheng said, ‘A force of a thousand pounds can be moved by a force
of four ounces.’ This is not mysterious. A force travels in one dimension,
yet we live in three. Thus the defender always has twice the advantage of an
attacker. With gentle circles you can deflect attacks and slide around
Tai Chi also takes advantage of our very small focus of attention, creating
distractions whereby subtle attacks can gently slip through. Pickpockets and
magicians know this too.
Whirlpools appear in swift-flowing streams and the curling waves are like
If a falling leaf lands on their surface, in no time at all it is lost from
-- Tai Chi Touchstones: Yang Family Secrets, by Douglas Wile
Brand wisdom
A great brand is. It is in tune with its audience. It harmonizes and
leads so subtly, people say ‘We want it!’ without the brand seeming to ask.
Like a wise sage or guiding star, the brand helps people see their real
Southwest Airlines has ‘LUV’ as its stockmarket ticker, and cares so much
for its customers they repeatedly flock to the charismatic and efficient
Southwest doors. Despite many attempts to emulate it, few have even got
Generics are not wise. They care only for profits and would even bleed dry
their golden geese. Yet sensitive leaders who know the Tao can lead the
generics as well as their customers. And like the pipers of old, they can
lead the merry dance right to the waters edge.
Look at the star, not the pointing finger
-- Chinese proverb
Alexander, Christopher (1979), A Timeless Way of Building, New York:
Oxford University Press
Alexander caused a storm in the architectural world with his pattern
language and sensory approach to creating buildings and towns that ‘feel
right’. He could have called it ‘The Tao of Building’.
Collins, Jim (2001). Good to Great, London: Random House Books
A serious study of companies that took of and sustained growth through
the auspices of quiet leaders whose quiet confidence swept all up with and
before them.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Discusses a longitudinal study that shows how happiness comes from the
ability to let go of the self and enter the state of ‘flow’.
Freiberg, Kevin and Freiberg, Jackie (1996), Nuts!, New York: Broadway
The crazy-but-true story of how SouthWest Airlines beat the big guys and
became the B-school darling by having fun and truly being the best.
Handy, Charles (1981), Understanding Organizations (second edition),
Harmonsworth, England: Penguin Books
A dance across some of the classic organizational theories from the wise
and grand old man of British management.
Hoff, Benjamin (1982). The Tao of Pooh, London: Methuen
Written in a very Pooh style, Hoff shows how Milne created a character
that was the very essence of being. Pooh is one of Disney’s enduring
animation brands that succeeds much because of this compelling being.
Jung, Carl (ed). (1964). Man and his Symbols, London: Aldus Books
Created near the end of his life, this is a collection of essays from the
philosopher/doctor that highlight the deep symbolism in which we live.
Korzybski, Alfred (1933). Science and Sanity: An Introduction to
Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics, New Jersey: Institute of
General Semantics
A deep and wide-ranging work from the famous Count, it includes the
famous observations that the map of reality we keep in our heads is not the
same as the external territory it represents, even though we act this way.
Liao, Waysun (1990), T’ai Chi Classics, Boston: Shambala Publications
A recent translation of a number of the major texts about Tai Chi,
including Treaties by masters Chang San-feng, Wong Chung-yua and Wu Yu-hsiang.
Man-Ch’ing, Cheng (1982), Master Cheng’s Thirteen Chapters on T’ai Chi
Chuan, New York: Sweet Ch’i Press
Douglas Wile’s translation of the key texts from Cheng Man-Ching, the
master who almost single-handedly brought Tai Chi to the Western world.
Pfeffer, Jeffery and Sutton, Robert (2000) The Knowing-doing Gap, Harvard
Business School Press
Pfeffer and Sutton contend that we are far too focused on knowing things
and put that knowledge into action far too little.
Tsu, Lao (1973). Tao Te Ching, Aldershot, England: Wildwood House
A beautifully translated and presented version of this major text by Lao
Tsu (an appropriately anonymous character, who may even have been a number
of people).
Weick, Karl (1995), Sensemaking in Organizations, Thousand Oaks,
California: Sage Publications
A stunning book on the messy reality of how we actually create meaning
within our workplaces.