CHAPTER 7 : File Layout
CHAPTER 7 : File Layout
7.1 Layout of directories
7.2 Division of files
7.3 Considerations for File Layout
7.4 Header files
7.5 Layout of Data files
7.6 Layout of Code files
7.7 Summary
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7.7 Summary
Aim to keep the number of files in
directories that will regularly scanned down to one or two screenfuls (ie.
about 50 files).
Structure directories by file
type/functional area.
Organize files to ease navigation and
minimize scope.
Use functional cohesion to group
similar items.
Use one public function per file,
plus the private functions it calls. Allow more public functions only if they
share private functions.
Use pagebreaks in files to maximize
the amount of related information on one page (ie. at start of major sections
and functions).
Keep file length within about 20
pages or 1000 lines.
Define a template for each file type
to help usage of a standard layout.
Order files by:
Context then definition
External items then internal items
Public items then private items
Name alphabetic order (if no better
Put a file header comment at the
start of every file
Use page breaks to put as much of one
subject on one page at once.
Keep file width to 80 characters or
Work around default tab setting
rather than change it and confuse those who didn't change it.
Identify files with a string
Header files:
Split header files to reflect the
code files they serve.
Don't reserve memory in header files.
Minimize header file interdependency.
Use header files to keep data
declarations and their context together
Layout header files to reflect the
systems they serve.
Data files:
Lay out data files to reflect the
systems they serve.
Be careful to match external
declarations with the global data.
Code files:
Group '#include's by scope.
Separate external items and internal,
private items.
Put replacement items which are used
once near their actual use.
Put private function declarations at
the start of the file, to form a 'contents list'.
Sort functions by a standard scheme,
eg. first by public/private, then by alphabetic name order.
Keep function length to within one or
two pages (or 100 lines).
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