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Brainstorming: ExamplesThe Quality Toolbook > Brainstorming > Examples When to use it | How to understand it | Example | How to use it | Practical variations
ExampleThe picnic committee surveyed a sample of the workforce about what they wanted in it. The most popular request was for a themed event (not just the same old sitting around eating sandwiches). The committee knew the constraints: limited cost and distance. The chairman asked the works manager to facilitate a Brainstorming session so he could join the group. The meeting started with the facilitator introducing himself and the recorder (his secretary) and laying down the ground rules. The problem, 'Theme for a company picnic' was pinned to a wall and two flipcharts were set up to record ideas where everyone could see them. The meeting started:
The result of the meeting was the whole group enthusing about a theme that was a synthesis of a straight suggestion with an idea which was sparked off by a ridiculous bit of fun. The picnic was a great success. Other examples
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